Thursday, May 3, 2007

Home Reno

Here is another update on us, we’ve had some pretty crazy weekends the past few months and we just can’t wait for the summer.

On Saturday I had to go into the salon for 9 and I thought well I should cut Aaron’s hair since I will be going there so I told him and he said well I have to change my shirt then so I was like ok go ahead. He went down stairs grabbed a shirt and was pulling it over his head when he hit the light cover for the light on the stairs and it fell to the floor and broke. We corralled Teaka into the bathroom and we left since I was running late.

I cut Aaron’s hair at the salon and then her went home and cleaned up the mess. Then he wasn’t sure what time I was finishing at the store but he thought he would stop by on his way to HD because he was just going to look around while waiting for me. The day before I told Aaron that he could just walk around HD with out having to buy anything, Boy am I red. Since I had to go back at close I thought well I will leave now and come back later. So we went to HD. We go straight to the lamp section and well you can get 2 lights for $11 so why not well if we’re going to do 2 we might as well do all 4. So we also thought about getting the sticks for the windows, for security reasons and then as we past the door knob section we looked at door knobs we wanted some new ones. So we look at that and he picks up 2 nice nickel chrome ones.

After that we decided to look for paint and Aaron went in search of some wood. Anyways 15 minutes later and my jackets off and I’m pouring over like 6 colours and Aaron walks up to me with an 8 foot stick in his hand. I pick the colour and make sure it’s a good colour and then pick up the white paint too because you know we need that too. Then of course some paint supplies. We go home and start Aaron changing the lights and started painting the doors white and the trims too and me painting.

When I started painting the front hall I asked Aaron “Can you take of the doors for the closet ?” He did and then since we were at it we’d been talking about change the closet any ways to just hooks and not one for hangers. So Aaron took apart then entire closet and we cleaned and puttied it up and so then we had an empty closet.

The next day we went back to HD and we bought another can of paint and since we changed all the other lights in the house we wanted to look at one for the dinning area. Found one for pretty cheap. $60. So in that went to the basket. Then since we have no closet we had to buy hooks. I didn’t realize they were so freaking expensive. We were in the same section for the knobs and we picked up the rest of the knobs for the house minus 1 because I can’t count. We looked at carpeting for the front entrance but didn’t like any thing as much so we didn’t get that. But now we need a bench, pictures, mirrors and I want to see if he could put in a pot light into the closet too, so we’d have more light.

We also looked at changing the plumbing in the kitchen we need to do that still. We have the faucet just not the stuff to do it with. We also want to buy a new fan for above the stove. We also looked at the kitchen stuff. Sigh! I know when people say you buy a house we spend money its true. But it’s the work. But you know the house looks like a model home and I love it. It’s ours and its just so much more different. So we were both exhausted on Sunday night after working for 2 days straight which we hadn’t anticipated.

Teaka was in the windows the entire time make the neighbors feel horrible that she was in side and they were out side. It got really nice on Sunday afternoon and it was warm so people ran outside and did all sorts of stuff. The 2 ladies asked me if they could take Teaka and watch her outside for us. I was like no she is a big girl she can handle staying inside. Jeez she is cat!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

An update on Des and Aaron!

Wow does the time ever fly. These past month has been crazy. My grandmother was sick and we spent 2 weeks looking after her. It seemed as though I was never at home for those 2 weeks. And now we have a French student living with my parents and she works with me so I see her a lot and deal with her every day. She is very nice and last weekend we did the tourist thing here in Ottawa which we do all the time but we did some things we’ve never done before like going up the peace tower and also going in to the Chateau Laurier. It was pretty neat we had our friend Jeff with us as well.

Our house is looking great. Only a few more little things and it will be perfect. Work has been crazy and busy and I finally have a few seconds. Aaron had the stomach flu from Friday to Sunday and I ended up with a throat infection. But we’re all healthy right now. We don’t have too much going on in the future. But something always pops up. Our nephews birthday is April the 7th and I’m sure we’ll spend sometime with him. The summer is finally coming with so warmer weather on the way. It will be great to see our lawn and actually be able to step on it with out loosing a shoe. We’re looking forward to our first summer in our new house. We can walk to everything including Dairy Queen.

Aaron is on days right now which is really nice that I can see him every day and not in a sleep induced haze. We’ll start running as well and hopefully loose a little bit of weight before too long.

I guess that is about it just enjoying some time finally in our new house :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A little up date

It’s been a while since we posted, we’ve been super busy! Wow. But we are settled and everything is wonderful. We love our new place so much. It’s a great place with a great location. Being close to anything and everything. Aaron has come down with a horrible cold. That doesn’t seem to want to go away. Work for me has been extremely busy with new things happening and being so busy you have no clue what to do with yourself. Aaron’s work is the opposite with not a heck of a lot going on. I feel bad for Aaron because trying to stay awake when you have nothing to do with a cold is the worst! Plus it’s snowing today, a first in a while. I take the bus in to work and at our new place I can leave 20 minutes later and still make it to work super early. So I love it. But the buses leave something to be desired like hello! Do you know you should slow down when the roads are horrible. Just because you’re a bus doesn’t mean your invincible. But then I would rather be sitting on the big bus then being in the car with a big bus on my butt. So I will stick with my bus and be ready brace at any moment. Teaka has adjusted very well to the move and she’s been back to my parent’s place twice and settles in with in seconds and is eating Sasha’s food. The only traumatizing part is the car for her. I love having her around because at night when I am all by myself I can talk to her instead of myself and that way it looks like I’m not quite as crazy as others may thing J Aaron and I haven’t been eating out which we used to do a lot, but we’re making dinners. The grocery bill is pretty high still. The first few weeks it was like watch out don’t look when they ring it up. But now its getting better and slowly stocking up on things like my baking goods. It takes time to make a house and build it up. We had nothing so slowly we are adding to it.

We bought a couch this weekend at the Brick. They were advertising huge sales and we were able to get a really good deal. Yeay! $900 couch that we got for $489 how sweet is that. It will match everything perfectly and we also got the warranty incase something happens to it. It’s the one thing I say ok to a warranty to. Like I was saying to someone this past weekend, I’m not going to buy a warranty for a good old Tube TV but I will for the new couch or a new TV.

We also finished painting our bedroom. It was the last spot we didn’t get done due to not having enough time. But it looks great out nice blue bedroom. We’ve put up shelves in the living room and laundry room and since we had enough paint for the bedroom we painted the bathroom. I love the colour. The very last night is to paint the halls. We have the hall in the front and then from the stairs down. If we have enough I might paint the 2nd bathroom upstairs.

It’s funny, you always strive to reach certain goals. Once you have accomplished your goal you want to set another one. In life most people have “the Goals” get a job, meet your soul mate (some people don’t know what that is :P), get married, buy a house, have kids. Ok So check, check, check, and next have kids. I’m mature for my age if you asked me I would say I feel more in my late 20s then early 20s. I like that I have accomplish so many things so young but at the same time I feel to young to start having kids. Ok no I don’t feel too young, we don’t have the money plus I want more time with Aaron. I just feel like that’s the next goal in life and I want to move on to it. I’m glad I have a beautiful house that we know own and I guess I’m just excited to start the next phase in my life.

I see so many others my age that are still partying it up in University, or going back to college. It’s so odd. It’s like settle down already but people think of it as a shock when they see me married, 2 diplomas, and now a house. I guess I’m an odd one but I never saw a point to going out getting drunk and partying constantly. It’s odd to me to see that. Not to say that it isn’t fun because sometimes I think man I wish I was there. But then I think about how lucky I am to have found all of this and a wonderful person to share that with.

Oh well. We have a date for our next goal and I think it’s a good date. I can’t wait and time does fly. We will be ready and again I will be very young but I think that is for the best.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Moving In

Alright so Friday we got the call to get the keys at 1:30 perfect, so Aaron had spent the morning painting the living room, gorgeous colour, he picked up the keys and went back to the house.

I asked to leave at 2:30 and one of the guys at work said I need you, you have to stay to work on a project. I’m like ok sure I don’t mind I will stay so I’m like tell me what it is. He says I have to talk to someone else and if I don’t talk to him by 3 then you can leave. This was at like 2:30 I’m like alright, so at 3:15 I go over and I’m like whats going on. I MSN the guy that is supposed to tell me what to do. I do 10 minutes after I msn him he says wait a sec, I’m like alright, so at 4:05 after I’ve been sitting here waiting I’m like can this wait or can I go he says oh yeah, I guess go, we can show you on Monday. UGH! Like come on!

Aaron picked me up and we went to Ikea, I was like great idea Friday night it won’t be busy. So I was like since we’re here lets pick up the table, it’s a great table that we’ve both fallen in love with, I know a table, it’s a black brown solid oak table. Sits 6 but can expand to 10 people. Just plain beautiful. So we get the table and 2 chairs because the chairs at like $75 each. So we go over to the other Ikea pick up and the table and it doesn’t fit not even close. Sigh… I call my mom and their truck is 31” and we needed 38”. So after 15 minutes and of course it was -30 weather, we have to go back and return it. So after all that we
go to the condo with 2 chairs and no table.

Anyways we drop the chairs off and went back to my parents house, Aaron wanted to organize all the boxes. So we put plastic down and brought all the boxes up from the basement and in to the garage and then the boxes from the room into the garage. That way it was all organized. We finally went to sleep at around 10, so it wasn’t a late night.

The next morning up at 6:30 and we started right away. We brought more stuff up and then left to get the truck. We started with the boxs but then of course we wanted to make sure that we got all the heavy furniture in just incase we had to do a second load, wich surprisingly enough we didn’t have to, thanks to Aaron’s fabulous organizational skills. Everything was loaded by 9:30 and we headed over to the house. We pulled up and we started unloading, Mom and I inside, in the 6 degree room and everyone else outside in -30. So we were able to unload everything by 10:30 and then it was to get the stuff down stairs. I was surprised at how much actually fit so easily. But the bed frame not so much the walls are worse for wear and it still didn’t go down. We left it and moved everything else down.

After that since we still had time with the truck we headed over to Ikea because I wanted that table. So we got there as fast as a Uhal truck with 290,000kms would take us. I ran in, saw the same girl as that night previous and asked her to ring up the table for me again… ran to the check out, luckily I found a cash that was open that had 2 people in line, paid for it for a second time. Then ran all the way over to where Aaron was parked and took the truck over to the pickup location, which then of course the truck didn’t fit down the parking lot because its was blocked by a big truck and a van Aaron pulled around the building but was still further away then the actually door, I ran down picked up the table ran it down the road to the truck, loaded the 100lbs table in to the truck and ran the cart back. We got back in the car and drove back to the condo, got the table in the house some how and then we went to return the truck. We finally finished there. Woo Hoo!

After we got the table in we got in the house and actually turned up the heat and started moving the boxes to the right rooms. We got the majority down and where it belonged. We started to unpack. At around 5 we went over to Mom’s and had dinner and got more boxes and of course little Miss Teaka, we came home and she was just a scared little thing but I think because all the boxes smelled like her and it was all of our stuff I think she adjusted just fine. We stayed up till I think around 9ish which was about all that we could handle and we slept.

We got up at 8:30 and got ready went to MacDonald’s for breakfast and then off to Ikea for blinds, I was starting to actually see the same staff…We found great curtains, expensive but very nice. We also grabbed a lamp since we have no lights and then we headed to the superstore where we spent way too much money on groceries and found more things we like over there in the furniture section. We put all the stuff away and we got stuff organized all over the house. Finally it was functional.

Mom called us to come for dinner even though I had chicken out for dinner. We went over there and grabbed more of our stuff and then headed home. We got home and again started unpacking more things. We don’t actually have anything in the living room but with all the boxes we have it's pretty full. I went to bed around 10 but poor Aaron had to stay up but he organized the spare room and I fell asleep. So this morning I was up at 6, I’m lucky I can leave 20 minutes later and actually get to work like 15 minutes earlier then before, so its wicked! I’m pretty sore and tired.

We don’t have TV or internet yet so it will encourage me to get things done around the house. And to get to bed early. We’ll have to get it later but not right now.

Next step is to clean all the boxes out and get organized. You don’t realize how much stuff you have until you have to put it all away somewhere. But the living room looks very model homeish, which I love.

The curtains we bought look great but they are made super long so that I had to cut them because of the heaters on the floor. They give you strip adhesive so that you can cut and iron them on. WELL you’d think that it would be easy enough it took me like 2 hours to do 6 curtains, and I was mad. But they are up and I swear it they were a millimeter longer they’d be too long, but they sit just on the register so it’s not great but I’m NOT going to tear them apart again. The curtains are like 4 feet wide by 7 feet tall…Anyways they are up and look good that’s all that matters.

So thats is the big move. I know spelling and stuff sucks, but I'm tired and really don't know where my fingers are at the moment. :)

Friday, January 26, 2007

We have Keys!

Well I just received a call from Aaron saying that he has the keys to the new house! That's wicked! We now are offical home oweners. Aaron spent the morning painting at the new place and is exhausted. I painted last night and am exhausted today. We'll be moving everything in tomorrow and I'm sure just be over the moon to stay our first night in our house. But be extremely exhausted the next day. But its all worth it. After all the stress of trying to get a mortgage and then something coming threw and others not, it will be great to finally be in there. There might be some issues later one but that comes with all homes.

We both love the idea that we now have a place to call home, not the apartment or my parents place. It's ours and we can do what we want to it. It's just the perfect size for the both of us. Over the next few years we will do upgrades and change the decor but it takes time and money. I really want to make the place ours.

Since everything has been in boxes for a full year. We both can't wait to open all the boxes and see what we actaully own. I also have to take some of the stuff that is in my Mom's kitchen back. She'll be missing some of the stuff I'm sure. She has already order the kitchenaid mixer since I will be wanting mine back.

Next step will be to get the internet and cable hooked up. We figure with us both having cell phones that a home phone isn't nessary. But we'll have to watch the minutes on both phones. I think that it is more common this day in age for people to just have cell phones. Why not then your always reachable or un reachable :P.

One thing that we don't have in the new place other then groceries is storage. Yikees! I mean obviously we'd rather have livable space then storage but we do have Christmas stuff, which is currently at my office, Halloween and camping gear. We're definately glad to have a second bedroom but I don't want it to be the dumping grounds for everything that doesn't have a place. We'll figure it out, that's what closets are for aren't they?

I know we have like no money now obviously, but I still want to go out and start shopping for stuff now that we can. We have a list of things that we want like table, fridge, couch, stove, nicer TV, bed frame, the list goes on. There are always things like redoing the bathroom thats on the list but those will come later on. Once you have the house you want to start working on it right away, but what sucks is we there's no money after buying the place. We'll have to save a penny at a time so it add up in the long run and buy one thing at a time.

This is really exciting. I can't wait to get off of work and start moving over stuff. Everyone hates moving, but I just can't wait to get everything in there. This weekend will go by so fast I know it. But I can't wait for Sunday so that we can actually wake up in our new place and we can start un packing. Woo Hoo!

Monday, January 22, 2007


Our new house is on its way! Only 4 more days until we sign the papers and only 5 days until its really ours. When we signed the first papers back on January 2 it felt like the end of the month would be forever but here it is. We almost finished packing everything Sunday night. We packed our clothes except for the ones we'll be wearing. We've seperated the pile of boxes in the basement so we don't end up taking any of my grandmothers stuff. I think we're ready to go for the most part. It will be exciting and tiring but it will be so rewarding at the end of all of this. We're looking forward to being on our own. The location is perfect too. It's close to everything we need, especially Dairy Queen which in the summer will be so nice. I can't wait to get in there and start the painting and the upgrading! :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Home Hopefully...

Well let’s see the passed few weeks since Christmas have been crazy! We have been interested in buying a Condo and we finally made the plunge and made the offer. The offer went great and the owner accepted the first one but we didn’t realize, not only how much had to be done after that, but how quickly it had to be done. But we are now in the final stage all we are waiting for is some papers from the lawyer. And the place should be our. We are Very excited and anxious to finally have a place of our own.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First entry

This is my first attempt at a blog.
I am starting this blog to tell the ongoing story of Desiree and Aaron…